Long Term Projects

ICVolunteers leads initatives that enhance knowledge sharing, in particular in the fields of meaningful use of technology through cybervolunteeris, as well as cultural diversity and languages.

We found nineteen matches.

Ethical Fashion

Ethical Fashion

Ethical Fashion aims to promote the development of the ethical fashion industry. More...
Knowledge Volunteers Project

Knowledge Volunteers Project

The Knowledge Volunteers Project, aims to create a network of “Knowledge Volunteers” of all ages who can share their experiences and skills, thus contributing to the development of an inclusive knowledge society. More...
Click to Download tkv_flyer_en.pdf (105.3K)


‘GreenVoice’ aims to raise environmental awareness and promoting protection. More...
Click to Download greenvoice_en.pdf (77.5K)
E-TIC.net: agriculture and ICTs

E-TIC.net: agriculture and ICTs

Initiative for agriculture in the regions bordering the Sahara
Ce projet ETIC vise à fournir des outils et éléments de formation de sorte que les petits agriculteurs et les éleveurs puissent mieux vendre leurs produits. More...
Click to Download etic_en.pdf (147.6K)
MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua: accompaniment of migrants

MigraLingua is a programme which aims to accompany migrants who have arrived in a country where they do not master the local language. More...
KIITEC Institute, Arusha, Tanzania

KIITEC Institute, Arusha, Tanzania

KIITEC is a new technical institute dedicated to providing accessible, high quality instruction and technical experience to meet the needs of its students. More...
Uganda: Conservation Through Public Health Telecentre

Uganda: Conservation Through Public Health Telecentre

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Conservation Through Public Health is a Uganda-based non-profit organization, which puts together the first information and computer training center in the Buhoma Village, at the tourist site of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, located in southwestern Uganda. More...
Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for Africa

While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa's greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. More...
South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

South Africa: Cape Town Volunteer Center

The Cape Town Volunteer Center works with volunteers and community organizations in the Cape Town region. More...
School Project

School Project

15 December 2006 - 15 December 2007
Twinning between the Association des Parents d'élèves du Lycée de Ferney-Voltaire et the Association des parents d'élèves du Lycée de Fougou, Republic of Guinea, sending of sending of textbooks. More...
Speak to better integrate

Speak to better integrate

30 November -1, Spain, France, Switzerland, South Afirca
For ICVolunteers, the pursuit of languages and linguistic diversity, as well as communications and interpretation, is a historical vocation. More...
European "Youth in Action"

European "Youth in Action"

30 November -1
ICVolunteers is involved the European Programme "Youth in Action" through its Barcelona office. More...


10 April 2007
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. More...
"Speak to me, speak here!"

"Speak to me, speak here!"

Linguistic support for helping integration of migrants in Barcelona
30 November -1, Barcelona, Spain
Like some of its neighbours in the South-West of Europe, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration at the end of the Nineties. More...
Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

30 November -1, Mali, Guinea, South Africa, Uganda
I decided to be part of the UNESCO Group because I wanted to be part of a charitable project where I felt that I would really be helping someone, to know why and to do as much as possible to achieve this. More...

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Long Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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