Cyber-volunteering: A Millennium Solution for Development by Young AfricansWorkshop, International Conference Centre Pulse para descargar pr_ict4africa_20070924_en.doc (39K) 21 Septiembre 2007 International Conference Centre, Rue Varembé, Geneva Geneva, 21th September 2007. In a globalised world, the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) cannot be underestimated. Young people today have the ability and the possibility of changing the shape of societies through ICT skills and can take part in the development of projects that have global significance. In the context of the Youth and ICTs Forum organised by the GAID (Global Alliance for ICT for Development) and the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), on 25th September 2007, ICVolunteers will be organizing a workshop on cyber-volunteering and development projects lead and implemented by young Africans. The aim of the workshop is to encourage discussions and exchanges between young people and a panel of experts in the field of ICTs. It will be a unique opportunity for participants to consider what ingredients can make a project successful and to look at future initiatives concerning the use of technology in Africa. A number of topics will be covered including:
The workshop is organized by ICVolunteers, an international non-profit organization specialized in the field of communications, in particular languages, conference support and cyber-volunteerism. Details of the workshop programme can be found on or For more information please contact: Viola Krebs ##### Publicado: 2007-9-29 Actualizado: 2007-9-29 |