International Volunteer Day

05 December

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

05 décembre 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil

DĂ©tails du projet

To commemorate the International Volunteer Day, 05 December, and partnership with ICVolunteers the Converdgencia, ICV desk Brazil, launched a debate and a party in honor of its volunteers and partner institutions, the office of Candido Mendes University, in downtown Rio January.

Besides the commemoration of people had speaking engagements related to the voluntary national and international as Hildon Carrapito the Institute Aqualung and Julius Caesar JucĂĄ Ramatis Spiritist Society of carrying out an excellent job with help from volunteers.

After this event, and from the reports of our guests wrote the text below, and send to our list of associates in order to disseminate the partnership with ICVolunteers.

"On December 5, commemorating the International Day of Volunteers. Homenagearmos occasion for all those who, for love of neighbor devote part of their time to care for people without expecting anything in return. In churches, in neighborhoods and communities, in self-help and in clubs, in cultural and sports associations in the social institutions and enterprises, a huge number of people helping each other and give a hand to those who are in a situation more difficult. By donating your energy and your generosity , The volunteers are responding to a basic human impulse: the desire to help, to collaborate, to share joys, to relieve suffering, improve the quality of life in common.

The candidate who is prepared to work with volunteers must be motivated by feelings aware of full citizenship and solidarity and commitment, responsibility and respect. It is a job that can be done individually or in teams, and in both it is necessary to pursue the results which lead to higher quality of services offered. The principle of the volunteer is working with what you know, doing a professional job, understanding the purpose and mission of each institution.

The Law of the Volunteer Brazilian, established in February 18, 1998, by decree of the President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, considered as voluntary service activity throughout unpaid, provided by an individual to public entity of any kind, or private institution of non-profit, which has goals civic, cultural, educational, scientific, recreational or social assistance, including mutuality.

The International Volunteer Day was established on December 17, 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly, aiming to enhance and encourage voluntary service to everyone. From the resolution of the UN General Assembly, on 05 December was chosen as the date for voluntary alusiva, a tribute to citizens who dedicate time, talent and work to help other people.

Many are the people that benefited the work of these people, grow with the support received and they also become volunteers, forming a chain of solidarity."

Projets court terme

ICVolontaires collabore avec des volontaires et encourage l'engagement citoyen, en mettant en relation des organisations, des individus et des communautés ainsi qu'en accompagnant leurs efforts dans ce domaine. Dans cette perspective, ICVolontaires développe des projets et mÚne des initiatives.

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