Projects - Human rightsWe found seventy-six matches. Roundtable on Albinism13 June 2016, Geneva, Switzerland In its resolution 69/170 of 18 December 2014 the UN General Assembly dedicated June 13th of each year 'International Awareness Day about Albinism'. More... Click to Download albinisme.pdf (2.3M) Poetry Recital - Celebrating Diversity18 March 2015, Geneva, Switzerland The literary recital will launch the ICV's photography contest "a world of diversity" to highlight and maintain the differences of those around us. More... Conference on Terrorism and Human Rights16 - 17 February 2015, Geneva, Switzerland The Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) organized an International Conference on Terrorism and Human Rights from 16 to 17 February 2015 in Geneva. More... Geneva NGO Forum - Beijing+2003 - 05 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The 4th World Conference on Women (4WCW), convened in Beijing in 1995, was an historical occasion where UN Member States adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). More... Social Innovation and Ethics Forum 201422 - 24 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The first edition of the Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum (SIGEF 2014) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland from 22 to 24 October 2014 at the International Conference Center (CICG) in Geneva. More... The Future of Human Rights Forum10 December 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Current human rights protection mechanisms are inadequate and serious rights violations happen on a daily basis. More... Click to Download fhrf_flyer.pdf (805.1K) Challenges and lessons learnt in combating contemporary forms of slavery13 - 23 September 2013, Geneva, Switzerland The UN Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery (UNVFCFS) was established in 1991 by General Assembly resolution 46/122 to provide humanitarian, legal and financial aid to individuals whose human rights have been severely violated as a result of contemporary forms of slavery, and their relatives who have been directly affected by the victim’s suffering. More... 4th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction19 - 23 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland The Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the Global Reconstruction Conference were jointly held from 8 to 13 May 2011. More... Plainpalais, Diverse PerspectivesICVolunteers commits to combating racism 18 - 24 March 2013, Genève, Switzerland In the context of the Week against racism, held in Geneva from the 21st to the 28th March 2013, ICVolunteers joins the ongoing efforts of different institutions and associations present in the Plainpalais’ neighborhood, Geneva, in order to promote diversity and fight racism. More... Minorities Fellowship Programme05 - 16 November 2012, Geneva, Switzerland ICVolunteers will provide English-Arabic interpreters to ensure the smooth running of the 2012 Minorities Fellowship Programme, organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). More... Debate with Chinese dissident Harry Wu10 September 2012, Geneva, Switzerland On 10 September 2012, at Café de la Maison des Associations in Geneva, took place debate with Harry Wu, one of China’s most famous dissidents. More... 2012 Indigenous Fellowship13 June - 11 July 2012, Geneva, Switzerland The Indigenous Fellowship Programme was launched in 1997 by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the context of the first International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (1995-2004). More... MigraLingua – Training modules for community interpreters25 April - 24 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland In the framework of the MigraLingua program (linguistic accompaniement of Non-french speaking migrants, ICVolunteers is looking for Community interpreters to participate to its training modules. More... 5th Global Youth Conference02 - 04 May 2012, Geneva, Switzerland The Global Youth Conference will provide opportunities for young people to consider issues related to forestry, management of water and natural resources. More... 2011 Minorities Fellowship Programme21 November - 09 December 2011, Geneva, Switzerland The Minorities Fellowship Programme (MFP) was launched by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in 2005. More... Result page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » |