Projects - HealthWe found fifty-one matches. Africa@home: Volunteer Computing for AfricaLong-Term While you are sending an email or surfing the web, your computer could be helping to tackle one of Africa's greatest humanitarian challenges, malaria. More... Découvrir la Psychologie Positive13 - 14 November 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The conference "Découvrir la Psychologie Positive" was held from November 13th to November 14th, 2014 at the hotel N'vY Manotel in Geneva. More... Click to Download crespo.pdf (1.8M) Acute Cardiovascular Care 201417 - 20 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland The Third Annual Congress of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association will bring together both young cardiologists and renowned experts around its main theme: “Highly vulnerable patient”. More... Sew to Speak12 - 14 September 2014, Bellevue, Switzerland Common Threads is organizing the first international Arpillera and Story Cloth conference, in Geneva, from September 12-14, 2014. More... AgriGuide, seminar Hepia12 - 21 May 2014, Switzerland As part of their curriculum, students from the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, technology, architecture and landscape (hepia in Geneva), analyzed the content of the AgriGuide in order to propose concrete suggestions on how to improve it. More... EMDR European Conference06 - 08 June 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an innovative clinical treatment, which has successfully helped over one million people who have experienced psychological difficulties. More... October: Breast Cancer Month01 October - 12 November 2012, Geneva, Switzerland Nowadays, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. More... Click to Download flyer_ca_2012.pdf (13.2M) Geneva Health Forum 201218 - 20 April 2012, Geneva, Switzerland Chronic diseases are of growing importance. More... 6th Francophone Conference on HIV/AIDS23 - 28 March 2012, Geneva, Switzerland The Francophone HIV/AIDS conference is held every two years, with the location alternating between North and South. More... Strengthening the Capacity of and the Social Protection for Domestic Workers03 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Discriminatory and restrictive policies are one of the big challenges that domestic workers face as try to assert our rightful place in the society. More... Click to Download dw_2011.pdf (45.2K) First global forum on medical devices09 - 11 September 2010, Thailand The first global forum on medical devices brought together 500 stakeholders including: policy makers, professional, international, UN and nongovernmental organizations, funding agencies and users of medical devices. More... 20th International Union for Health Promotion & Education World Conference11 - 15 July 2010, Geneva, Switzerland Sorry, no summary is available. More... Geneva Health Forum 201019 - 21 April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland Health systems around the world are facing unprecedented challenges, many related to or exacerbated by globalization. More... WIDE Annual Conference 200918 - 20 June 2009, Basel, Switzerland Care is a universal feature among all human beings and the way it is organized in the society is decisive for the given society. More... First International Forum on Violence against Women20 - 22 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain In the conclusions of the III Forum on Violence against Women 2007, there was the firm proposal that in the IV edition of the Forum, there should be a space for putting in common efforts to fight for awareness raising and the eradication of violence against the women in all of Spain and more broadly speaking in Europe. More... Result page: 1 2 3 4 Next » |