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International Telecommunication Union.
The African Regional Preparatory Conference for the WSIS,in Accra, with the theme "Access? Africa's key to an inclusive Information Society" will prepare Africa for an effective participation in the second phase of the WSIS to ensure a strategic and interdependent digital partnership that will promote economic growth and human development of the continent. The conference will bring together all stakeholders, ranging from Government to civil society, the private sector and academia, parliamentarians, local authorities, African regional institutions, development partners and international organizations.
Agenda: National strategy of volunteers in relation to WSIS
This meeting was chaired by Viola Krebs. After initial presentations, participants noted the following points:
The Volunteer Family in order to take an active part in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Two main questions are at stake: what can volunteers bring to information and communication technologies (ICTs)? And what can ICTs bring to the volunteers?
The action plan on volunteering and ICTs is available at
As to the national strategy documents, you will be able to download them from
Participants made the following proposals regarding activities to be carried out in the various countries:
A common activity was retained for Congo, the RDC and Centrafirca: the organization of a video conference on ICTs and volunteerism. Participants were not entirely in agreement about the main purpose and framework of this initiative.
Participants also addressed the issue about the international report on volunteerism and ICTs to be presented at WSIS in Tunis in November 2005. It was suggested that this report could be written in a transversal manner or according to national specificities. It will be based on national reports submitted by 15 August 2005 to, as well as to the volunteer family mailing list
1. Viola Krebs, Director of ICVolunteers (Switzerland), international focal point,
2. Sylvie Niombo, President of AZUR Développement (Congo),
3. Baudoin Schombe, Coordinator of CAFEC (RDC),
4. Oyebisi Oluseyi, Nigeria Network of NGO's (Nigeria),
5. Philomène Bia, NGO of women (Centrafrique),
Written in Accra on 2 February 2005, Secretary of the meeting: Sylvie Niombo
English translation: Viola Krebs