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Véronique Mazet
Très intéressée par la langue anglaise, pratiquée à l'étranger, au Canada anglophone et améliorée par des cours en ligne, je désirerais mettre mes compétences à votre service pour des traductions bénévoles de l'anglais vers le français. Ceci constituerait pour moi un enrichissement tant personnel que professionnel.
— Véronique, France
Olga Vykhodchenko
Hello, world! My name is Olga, i live in Ukraine in Kiev city and work as a journalist in Edipresse publishing house. I write abouth health and healthy lifestyle. My hobbies are theatre and painting.
— Olga, Ukraine
Natalia Tobon
I am a dynamic, curious, energetic and passionate interpreter. I love my career choice to the core! I also enjoy participating in humanitarian causes, events, and organizations. For me, volunteering is fundamental for that change I would like to see in the world. I might not ever be able to make a huge difference in the world, but I know for sure I can make a difference in a single person's life just by volunteering- and that it's what is all about.
— Natalia, Canada
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