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Roberto Paradis
I am interested in volunteering because I believe it is a great way to earn experience, while meeting people that are involved in the world of international relations. I feel that by volunteering I will be able to meet and interact with people that may provide additional knowledge in terms of humanitarian/international affairs.
— Roberto, Switzerland
jhossett sanz
Hello im a mechanic/ professional bartender traveling around Europe looking to lear german and as many things from other cultures, willing to help out sharing English/spanish language; Bartending knowledge and mechanics related topics or jobs. As well than willing to help out in any way i can.
— jhossett, Switzerland
Diane Meyer
I moved to Geneva from New York in 1997. Since then I’ve had a rewarding career and raised two sons. Now I am excited about working for a charitable organization where my efforts will contribute to the well-being of others.
— Diane, Switzerland

©1997-2024 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|