| The work of professional art photographers and amateur volunteers hangs side by side at La Galerie in Geneva, creating a picture of the environment (and the people who are working to help protect it) around the globe, from China to Peru through India, Kazakhstan, and Nigeria. More... Dans le cadre des festivités de son 10e anniversaire, ICVolontaires (ICV) a convié 19 artistes photographes à s’exprimer sur le thème : "Regards croisés sur l’éducation environnementale" dans "La Galerie", rue Coulouvrenière 17, à Genève. More... Sophie Gonin, Founder of Los Angeles-based Sogo Photography Wins Place in Geneva Exhibit. More... Jonathan Marks reports from the LIFT-09 Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland, in February 2009. More... Irene Amodei reports from Geneva about a new NGO project using the strength of international conferences volunteers. More... Switzerland: ICVolunteers Irene Amodei reports from Ginevra about a new Ngo project using the strenght of international conferences volunteers. Feb 2009. Geneva annually hosts hundreds of high-level meetings, conferences and workshops (261 in 2005, according to the International Geneva Yearbook), mainly related to the humanitarian, social, environmental and medical field. More... Peter Amoako Yirenkyi from Kwame Nkrumah University in Kumasi, Ghana discusses his work in distributed computing for drug discovery at the ICTP workshop on Using Open Access Models for Scientific Dissemination. More... Talking about volunteering Irene Amodei, English and Spanish translation by Isabelle Guinebault. Jul 2008. ICV on the Radio Suisse Romande The image of volunteering has changed a lot with time: 25 years ago, volunteerism was not valued in the same way it is today. More... Volunteering and the ethics of cyber-space Raquel Dias, a journalist and volunteer at Converdgencia in Brazil, considers the rise of virtual volunteering.. Feb 2008. New forms of social interaction and action have developed through the emergence of new technology. More... Bamako, Mali: Mali, like the international community, celebrated International Volunteer Day, under the joint hospices of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme. More... C'était au Centre International de Conférences de Bamako (CICB) en présence du parrain de ladite journée, l'ancien ministre de l'éducation de Base, Adama Samassekou, du représentant résident du PNUD au Mali, Joseph Byll Cataria, et du ministre de la jeunesse et des sports, Hamane Niang. More... Geneva, Switzerland: The use of corn instead of gas and oil was one of the energy alternatives discussed. More... Volunteer computing projects like SETI@home use spare capacity on home and office computers to do scientific calculations. More... Desde hace años, la entidad ICVoluntarios promueve el voluntariado a través de las nuevas tecnologÃas. More... Aprofitar les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació per donar suport a projectes de desenvolupament. More...
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