ICVolunteers: IT + Education = A Better World

A selection of photographs from the La Galerie exhibit. Image via ICVolunteers.
A selection of photographs from the La Galerie exhibit. Image via ICVolunteers.
By Jennifer Hattam, Istanbul, Turkey
17 October 2009

The work of professional art photographers and amateur volunteers hangs side by side at La Galerie in Geneva, creating a picture of the environment (and the people who are working to help protect it) around the globe, from China to Peru through India, Kazakhstan, and Nigeria.

The exhibit, "Diverse Perspectives on Environmental Education," which runs through Oct. 30, was put together by ICVolunteers to raise money for and awareness about its "Green Voice" environmental education project in Brazil.

Headquartered in Geneva, the communications-focused organization works with a network of 10,000 volunteers worldwide, tapping their skills in IT, translation, event organization, and writing and editing for field projects promoting education, health, human rights, poverty reduction, and sustainable development, among other goals.

Technology and Sustainability

ICV's environmental projects have included using community radio and other technologies to improve the husbandry practices -- and livelihoods -- of livestock breeders in the regions bordering the Sahara; conducting reforestation efforts near the Franco-Swiss border and in African villages; and teaching young people in Switzerland how to read and contribute to Green Maps of their communities' natural and eco-friendly assets.

Interested in volunteering? ICV is looking for people who can help set up Web sites, provide technical assistance online and onsite, plan conferences and training sessions, work as translators and interpreters, write and edit articles, perform accounting and bookkeeping tasks, and do other jobs aiming at bridging the "digital divide."

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